
After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency” and the “Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition

After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency” and the “Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition

After reviewing Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency” and the “Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit, 2nd Edition,” located in the topic Resources, choose an ethnic minority group and explore health disparities for the chosen group. Describe how to integrate the components of health literacy and cultural considerations into a health promotion teaching plan for one health disparity identified in the research and how health literacy supports overall health promotion.

Required resource


Read “Cultural Humility Is a Nursing Clinical Competency,” by Becze, from ONS Voice (2021).

Verified Expert Answer

Cultural Humility And Health Promotion

Currently, Hispanic/Latino people experience poor health outcomes as compared to other people. This is attributed to many factors, including limited access to healthcare services. Notably, most Hispanic people do not have insurance coverage, and this usually makes healthcare very expensive for them. Additionally, some of them experience language barriers as they do not understand English, the primary language spoken in the country.

It is also notable that they have higher rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and other conditions (Dragomanovich & Shubrook, 2021). Another issue is the low health literacy levels. Most of them are concerned with working and do not focus on health knowledge or how to interact with the healthcare system. Overall, this reduces their health outcomes, making it crucial to enhance their health integration..