
Provide two examples of a research question, one question for each type of research, that you might wish to investigate in your future advanced nursing role

Compare and contrast the differences in purpose and data analysis methods between quantitative and qualitative nursing research

Provide two examples of a research question, one question for each type of research, that you might wish to investigate in your future advanced nursing role.

Week 5: Discussion Question – Quantitative and Qualitative Nursing Research

Discussion Prompt

Compare and contrast the differences in purpose and data analysis methods between quantitative and qualitative nursing research.  Provide two examples of a research question, one question for each type of research, that you might wish to investigate in your future advanced nursing role.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Quantitative and Qualitative Nursing Research

Quantitative and qualitative research are two fundamental approaches that can be used in nursing research to answer different types of research questions. The primary purpose of quantitative research is to measure the magnitude and frequency of events or characteristics, identify relationships between variables, and test hypotheses (Fowler & Lapp, 2019). Quantitative research uses statistical methods to analyze numerical data. These methods include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. As a result, quantitative research aims to produce objective, generalizable knowledge that can be used to make predictions and inform clinical practice.

On the other hand, qualitative research aims to explore subjective experiences, meanings, and perceptions of individuals or groups (Kyngäs, 2020). Qualitative research is also used to generate hypotheses, develop theories, and gain an in-depth understanding of complex phenomena. Qualitative research uses content analysis, thematic analysis, and other qualitative methods to analyze non-numerical data. These methods involve identifying patterns and themes in the data, interpreting meanings, and generating theories.

Understanding how to identify a research question based on the method of research is important for a nurse. The different methods can warrant different research questions based on the nature and methodology of the research. Researchers need to be informed of the type of research and how they would analyze the data. The information would help determine the nature in which the research would be conducted. An example of the research questions includes the following.

Quantitative research question: What is the frequency of patient falls in hospitalized elderly patients without walking aids?

Qualitative research question: What is the perception of patients with anxiety who receive music therapy in a care setting?


Fowler, S. B., & Lapp, V. (2019). Sample size in quantitative research: Sample size will affect the significance of your research. American Nurse Today14(5), 61-63.

Kyngäs, H. (2020). Qualitative research and content analysis. The application of content analysis in nursing science research, 3-11.


Qualitative research is focused on something that cannot be measured precisely. On the other hand, quantitative research focuses on something that can be quantified so that it can be measured accurately. There are subtle differences between the purpose and data analysis methods between the two modes of research.

One of the differences is in the purpose of the research. While qualitative research focuses on a complex and broad subject, quantitative research focuses on a narrow and concise subject.  Qualitative research data analysis methods aim to understand different phenomena in the research (Busetto et al. 2020). For instance, qualitative research can understand people’s attitudes towards obesity and how it affects their self-care protocol. On the other hand, quantitative research aims to understand the cause and effects of various relationships. For instance, quantitative research can aim to understand the prevalence of obesity in a given population and understand possible ways of reducing the prevalence.

It is also notable there are differences in data analysis. While quantitative research uses numbers and statistical analysis to determine the data collected, quantitative research focuses on words and narratives (Hannigan, 2018). It is also notable that quantitative analysis collects data through tests, surveys, and questionnaires, while qualitative research collects data through interviews and field observation (Chafe, 2017). For instance, in qualitative research, one can interview people on their attitudes towards obesity, and in quantitative research, one can conduct tests to identify the relevance of obesity in a community.

As I advance in my nursing career, I would like to incorporate qualitative and quantitative methods in my research. One question I would like to investigate using qualitative research is the role of religion in patients’ outcomes. Using quantitative research, I would like to understand the correlation between physical exercise and patients’ outcomes, especially senior citizens. I believe that the two questions will be paramount in improving care delivery and in patients’ interactions.


Busetto, L., Wick, W., & Gumbinger, C. (2020). How to use and assess qualitative research methods. Neurological Research and practice2, 1-10.

Chafe, R. (2017). The value of qualitative description in health services and policy research. Healthcare Policy12(3), 12.

Hannigan, A. (2018). Public and patient involvement in quantitative health research: A statistical perspective. Health Expectations21(6), 939-943.


Week 6: Discussion Question – Protection of Human Subject Participants in Nursing Research

Discussion Prompt

In Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019) textbook Box 23.1 on page 682, select one of the Fifteen Ethical Principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

State the principle and describe the importance of the selected principle to ethical research. In addition, describe how a researcher would ensure that this principle would be protected for human subjects in a research study.

Expert Answer and Explanation

There are 15 ethical principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights listed by Melynk & Fineout-Overholt. These Human Rights should be protected by the government as part of the everyday process and at a higher priority should be protected during any research study. As the participants of a study are giving their consent to participate, they are the guests of the study. As guests, the participant should be treated with the highest respect, and protecting their basic human rights is just the beginning.

The Human rights that this discussion will address is option 9 on the list that focuses on non-discrimination and non-stigmatization. Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization mean not to separate due to an unwanted physical, cultural, or social characteristic. It is important with any research study, that is not using culture, or ethnicity as a variable, to remain free from discrimination as this may ultimately alter the results and create invalid findings.

An effective approach to eliminating discrimination or stigmatization is a double-blind study. A double-blind study is created so that the person performing the research does not ever meet or interact with the participants of the study. An important part of a study such as this is a research assistant who will obtain the data and then provide it to the researcher. By eliminating interaction between the participants and the researcher, no bias will be formed, and the integrity of the study will be maintained. Another important consideration is to maintain all the same variables in each group. These two factors will ensure the Human Rights of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization of the participant are intact.


Melnyk, B. M. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing and healthcare: A guide to best practice. (4th Ed). Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer


Week 7: Discussion Question -Enhancing the Sustainability of EBP Initiatives

Discussion Prompt

Discuss an EBP initiative that was implemented in a health care setting (use fictitious names for people and places) and whether it was successful or not sustainable, with rationale. Choose one of four models of organizational change (Melnyk [2019],  Chap. 15, pp. 432-437) that you would use in an advanced nursing role to enhance sustainability of EBP initiatives.

Expert Answer and Explanation

An EBP initiative that was implemented within the health care nursing home was the installation of hallway support rails, use of wheelchairs, and constant surveillance or nurse presence to help prevent patient falls. The issue of patient falls mainly in the elderly nursing homes is rampant and can limit the recovery process or lead to injuries that could have been avoided (Porter et al., 2018). Patient falls is also detrimental to the performance of the facility since it affects the financial attributes that have to be channeled for patient recovery and settling potential lawsuits. The implementation of the EBP measures was successful and the rate of patient falls at the nursing home reduced tremendously.

The availability of support rails in the hallways and corridors make it easier for the patients to find anchor while moving around. For those that are weaker or at risk of sudden attacks or episodes, the use of the wheelchair was able to streamline the process and make it easier for movement from one place to another (Kilbourne et al., 2019). The availability of nurses to conduct periodical rounds and surveillance also provided the patients with instructiveness to aid in using either element put in place.

The model of organizational change that I would use in an advanced nursing role to enhance the sustainability of the EBP initiatives would be Lewin’s change management model. This model is ideal since it was easy to implement and requires only three steps (unfreeze, change, refreeze) (Hussain et al., 2018). The unfreeze stage focuses on the preparations in readiness for the change, the change stage focuses on the actual intervention, while the refreeze is the assimilation of the new change into the company culture. The model is essential in meeting the advanced nursing roles.


Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge3(3), 123-127.

Kilbourne, A. M., Goodrich, D. E., Miake-Lye, I., Braganza, M. Z., & Bowersox, N. W. (2019). Quality enhancement research initiative implementation roadmap: toward sustainability of evidence-based practices in a learning health system. Medical care57(10 Suppl 3), S286.

Porter, R. B., Cullen, L., Farrington, M., Matthews, G., & Tucker, S. (2018). CE: original research: exploring clinicians’ perceptions about sustaining an evidence-based fall prevention program. AJN The American Journal of Nursing118(5), 24-33.

Compare and contrast the differences in purpose and data analysis methods between quantitative and qualitative nursing research

Week 8: Discussion Question – Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Discussion Prompt

Using supporting documentation from at least one nursing publication, describe how evidence-based practice is different from research. How would you identify a research project as being an evidence-based intervention project versus the creation of knowledge in a nursing research project?

Expert Answer and Explanation

Evidence-based practice and research are two distinct concepts in the nursing profession. To begin with, evidence-based practice entails the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best available evidesnce to inform patient care decisions. On the other hand, research is a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge (Chien, 2019). While evidence-based practice and research are related, they differ in their goals and focus.

It is important to consider the research question and study design to identify a research project as an evidence-based intervention project versus the creation of knowledge in a nursing research project (Chien, 2019). An evidence-based intervention project is focused on implementing an existing intervention that has been demonstrated to be effective through research. These projects involve the translation of research into practice and typically use a quality improvement approach to implement and evaluate the intervention in a clinical setting.

In contrast, a nursing research project is designed to create new knowledge or contribute to existing knowledge in a particular area of interest (Dang et al., 2021). These projects typically use a research design that is appropriate for the research question, such as a randomized controlled trial or a qualitative study. The focus of a nursing research project is on answering a research question or testing a hypothesis, rather than implementing an existing intervention (Dang et al., 2021). Overall, the distinction between evidence-based intervention projects and nursing research projects is based on the goals and focus of the project, as well as the research question and study design used.


Chien, L. Y. (2019). Evidence-based practice and nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Research27(4), e29.

Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

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