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Develop a PICOT question using your approved nursing practice problem. Post a draft of your PICOT question in the following format:

Develop a PICOT question using your approved nursing practice problem. Post a draft of your PICOT question in the following format

Develop a PICOT question using your approved nursing practice problem. Post a draft of your PICOT question in the following format: In_______________(Population), how does _______________ (Intervention) compared to _______________ (Comparison) affect

Topic 3 DQ 1

Develop a PICOT question using your approved nursing practice problem. Post a draft of your PICOT question in the following format:

In_______________(Population), how does _______________ (Intervention) compared to _______________ (Comparison) affect _______________ (Outcome) within______________(Time, optional)?

This should be the same question you will be using in your “PICOT Question Development” assignment. Give and receive feedback to refine your PICOT question.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN DQ Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.

Expert Answer and Explanation

PICOT Question Using Approved Nursing Practice Problem

In_______acute care settings________(Population), how does _______bedside shift reporting________ (Intervention) compared to ______traditional reporting_________ (Comparison) affect ________patient satisfaction _______ (Outcome) within______ hospitalization period________(Time, optional)?

The quality of handover communication is a critical element that determines the quality of care from that moment onwards. There are various shift reporting approaches each having its merits and demerits. Some have challenges when it comes to engaging patients, while others are prone to missing out on vital information, which, at times, could compromise patient safety. Research by Raeisi et al. (2019) noted that poor handover increases the risk of patient safety, increases instances of missed care medical errors, and prolonged hospital stays, and by extension, increases the cost. Therefore, having the right handover approach in acute care settings is crucial for delivering quality and safe patient care.

For my capstone, I will select bedside shift reporting as my intervention. Bedside shift reporting has been hailed as an effective approach that increases patient participation during handover, thus aligning with the goals of patient-centered care. Bedside handover also facilitates interprofessional collaboration between nurses and other care providers, leading to enhanced quality in care delivery (Abou Hashish et al., 2023). However, one of its downsides has been that it takes a considerably longer duration to implement, at times, leading to delays in care delivery (Raeisi et al., 2019). Therefore, the capstone will evaluate the effectiveness between bedside shift reporting and traditional reporting in acute care settings and how it affects patient satisfaction.


Abou Hashish, E. A., Asiri, A. A., & Alnajjar, Y. K. (2023). Shift handover quality in Saudi critical care units: determinants from nurses’ perspectives. BMC Nursing22(1), 186.

Raeisi, A., Rarani, M. A., & Soltani, F. (2019). Challenges of patient handover process in healthcare services: A systematic review. Journal of Education and Health Promotion8, 173.

Topic 3 DQ 2

Define the role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) when conducting research. Provide an example of a peer-reviewed research article involving human subjects and addressing a nursing practice issue. Discuss the ethical considerations the researchers considered when conducting the study.

Initial discussion question posts should be a minimum of 200 words and include at least two references cited using APA format. Responses to peers or faculty should be 100-150 words and include one reference. Refer to “RN-BSN DQ Rubric” and “RN-BSN Participation Rubric,” located in Class Resources, to understand the expectations for initial discussion question posts and participation posts, respectively.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) when conducting research

Research concerning human subjects is a delicate process that could lead to ethical issues if not well monitored and regulated. The role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the welfare, rights, and privacy of human subjects, by ensuring that research is conducted in an ethical and safe manner. The board has the legal authority to approve or disapprove any research activity that falls within its jurisdiction (Abedin et al., 2020). The IRB plays a critical role in ensuring that the research methodology being undertaken has the required safety protocols to prevent any harm from befalling the human participants.

Example of a peer-reviewed research article

One example of a peer-reviewed article involving human subjects is an article by Madan et al. (2023). The article was focused on evaluating the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of the ERAS pathway in patients undergoing elective loop ileostomy or colostomy reversal surgery. The study population consisted of 120 patients admitted for elective loop ileostomy or colostomy reversal. To conform to the ethical requirements, the researchers got approval from the Institute Ethics Committee (IEC). All participants in the study were issued with a written informed consent and patients were given full freedom to withdraw at any point during the study.


Abedin, Z., Teller, A., Ruotolo, B., Muhammad, K., Stiles, D. F., Ferreira, R., & Green, N. (2020). A personalized Institutional Review Board Liaison Service: Evaluation over its initial 30 months. International Journal of Academic Medicine6(2), 96–102.

Madan, S., Sureshkumar, S., Anandhi, A., Gurushankari, B., Keerthi, A. R., Palanivel, C., & Kate, V. (2023). Comparison of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Pathway Versus Standard Care in Patients Undergoing Elective Stoma Reversal Surgery-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery27(11), 2667-2675.

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Nursing PICOT question examples

Here are some examples of PICOT questions across different areas of nursing practice:

1. Medical-Surgical Nursing

  • P: Adult patients undergoing abdominal surgery
  • I: Use of preoperative carbohydrate loading
  • C: Standard fasting protocol
  • O: Reduction in postoperative complications
  • T: Within 30 days post-surgery
  • PICOT Question: In adult patients undergoing abdominal surgery (P), how does preoperative carbohydrate loading (I) compared to standard fasting protocol (C) affect the rate of postoperative complications (O) within 30 days post-surgery (T)?

2. Pediatric Nursing

  • P: Children aged 2-12 years with asthma
  • I: Use of a spacer device with inhalers
  • C: Inhaler use without a spacer
  • O: Improvement in asthma control
  • T: Over 3 months
  • PICOT Question: In children aged 2-12 years with asthma (P), how does the use of a spacer device with inhalers (I) compared to inhaler use without a spacer (C) affect asthma control (O) over 3 months (T)?

3. Mental Health Nursing

  • P: Adolescents with depression
  • I: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • C: Standard pharmacological treatment
  • O: Reduction in depressive symptoms
  • T: Over 6 months
  • PICOT Question: In adolescents with depression (P), how does cognitive-behavioral therapy (I) compared to standard pharmacological treatment (C) affect the reduction of depressive symptoms (O) over 6 months (T)?

4. Community Health Nursing

  • P: Elderly patients living in the community
  • I: Regular home visits by a community nurse
  • C: No regular home visits
  • O: Reduction in hospital readmissions
  • T: Within 6 months
  • PICOT Question: In elderly patients living in the community (P), how do regular home visits by a community nurse (I) compared to no regular home visits (C) affect the rate of hospital readmissions (O) within 6 months (T)?

5. Critical Care Nursing

  • P: ICU patients on mechanical ventilation
  • I: Use of a sedation protocol
  • C: No standardized sedation protocol
  • O: Reduction in ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP)
  • T: During the ICU stay
  • PICOT Question: In ICU patients on mechanical ventilation (P), how does the use of a sedation protocol (I) compared to no standardized sedation protocol (C) affect the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (O) during the ICU stay (T)?

PICOT Question Format

The PICOT acronym stands for:

  1. P – Population/Patient Problem:
    • Who is the patient or population of interest?
    • Consider age, gender, ethnicity, health condition, or specific characteristics.
    • Example: “Elderly patients with type 2 diabetes.”
  2. I – Intervention:
    • What intervention, treatment, or diagnostic test are you considering?
    • Example: “Daily walking for 30 minutes.”
  3. C – Comparison:
    • What is the alternative to the intervention?
    • This could be standard care, a placebo, or a different treatment.
    • Example: “No structured exercise program.”
  4. O – Outcome:
    • What outcome are you hoping to achieve or measure?
    • This could be improved health, reduced symptoms, or better quality of life.
    • Example: “Reduction in HbA1c levels.”
  5. T – Timeframe:
    • Over what period will the outcome be measured?
    • This could be days, weeks, months, or years.
    • Example: “Over 3 months.”

What is PICOT used for in nursing?

The Picot technique is primarily used in evidence-based nursing practice for two key purposes:

  1. Clinical Question Formulation: PICOT is a framework that helps nurses formulate precise clinical questions for research and practice improvement.
  2. Literature Review: Once formulated, PICOT questions help nurses:
  • Conduct more focused literature searches
  • Find relevant research evidence more efficiently
  • Evaluate whether research findings apply to their specific clinical situation
  • Make evidence-based decisions about patient care