[Solved 2024] Ask five nurses the following question. Ask the question without explanation or expansion. Tell them you are doing a class project and need the following question answered. There are no right or wrong answers. “What is the purpose of nursing?” – Fast, Quality and Affordable Assignment Expert
Discussion Prompt
Ask five nurses the following question. Ask the question without explanation or expansion. Tell them you are doing a class project and need the following question answered. There are no right or wrong answers. “What is the purpose of nursing?” Ask five lay persons the exact same question in the exact same manner. Summarize your findings and report to the class. When you complete this project, you will have just completed your first qualitative research project. Albeit an abbreviated one, but nonetheless, a qualitative study.
Expert Answer and Explanation
What is the purpose of nursing?
The task of asking various nurses what they understand by nursing and the overall purpose of nursing led to different answers. While the wording definitions are different, they all focus on the concept of caring for patients. There was a unanimous understanding that nursing as a subject is a series of rigorous programs of study and education that prepares an individual to interact, care for, and offer medical services to a patient.
In this regard, the definition of nursing from the various responses can be said to be collaborative and autonomous care that nurses offer to individuals from different families ages, communities, races, and ages. The delivery of nursing should be balanced, focused on equality, and not discriminate either as a result of age, race, or gender (ANA Enterprise, 2021). From these definitions, nurses can be said to be caregivers and ensure the proper recovery of patients from their illnesses.
Additionally, the research helped identify the purpose of nursing as indicated by the study. Since all the respondents were registered nurses, they provided feedback on the purpose of nursing based on their roles as registered nurses. For instance, the majority indicated that their role as nurses was to offer oversight to patients through health promotion, education, and counseling (The Truth About Nursing, n.d.).
Healthcare professionals are also associated with the administration of medication and other personalized interventions. These roles define the purpose of the nurse as a caregiver who ought to ensure that the patient receives the best quality care that matches their needs and cultural inclinations (WHO, 2020). In this regard, the nurse has to coordinate care and collaborate with other interdisciplinary professionals to offer evidence-based care and that meets all the standards and ethical needs.
ANA Enterprise. (2021). What is Nursing & What do nurses do?. American Nurses Association. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/workforce/what-is-nursing/
The Truth About Nursing. (n.d.). What is Nursing?. Changing how the world thinks about Nursing. https://www.truthaboutnursing.org/faq/nursing_definition.html#gsc.tab=0
WHO. (2020). Nursing and Midwifery. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/health-topics/nursing#tab=tab_1
Week 7: Discussion Question 2 – What is Advanced Practice Nursing?
Discussion Prompt
Using any resources that you can find, identify the difference between nursing practice and advanced practice nursing. Support advanced practice nursing by identifying nursing theories that can be applied to advanced practice nursing.
Expert Answer and Explanation
The nursing sector is constantly changing to incorporate new avenues and modes of operation. As a nurse, the scope of practice can be categorized into different segments depending on the expertise and education level. Different nurses portray different knowledge and ability to make prompt decisions (Admin FNU, 2017). Despite numerous confusions, there are differences between a registered nurse (RN) and an advanced practice registered nurse and consequently, nursing practice and advanced practice nursing. To begin, an RN is responsible for primary patient care and works in close coordination with the doctor to provide the services to the patients.
Nursing practice is conducted by the RN who offers direct patient care as it has been described within the medical plan. The nursing practice is also required to prepare patients for the doctor. On the other hand, advanced nursing practice is more complex as it has more responsibility and an increased scope of practice. For instance, an APRN conducting advanced nursing practice needs to create a detailed and all-inclusive patient care plan (ANA, 2021). Advanced nursing also includes leadership positions and interdisciplinary collaboration for policy creation and other critical administrative decisions.
One of the middle-range theories that support advanced practice nursing is the theory of human caring by Watson. The theory contends that nurses need to provide medical care to patients that focuses on the person and their surrounding environment. Advanced practice nursing requires that the APRN have extensive knowledge of the processes required for nurses and also the issues affecting the delivery of medical care (Wei et al., 2019). In this regard, an APRN is well-versed with versed to deliver on the theory of human caring. The theory supports the attainment of advanced skills to support the concept of care.
Admin FNU. (2017). What’s the Difference Between a RN and Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner?. Florida National University. https://www.fnu.edu/whats-difference-rn-advanced-registered-nurse-practitioner/
ANA. (2021). Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN). American Nurses Association. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/workforce/what-is-nursing/aprn/
Wei, H., Fazzone, P. A., Sitzman, K., & Hardin, S. R. (2019). The Current Intervention Studies Based on Watson’s Theory of Human Caring: A Systematic Review. International Journal for Human Caring, 23(1).
Week 8: Discussion Question – The Unique Nature of Nursing
Discussion Prompt
Identify the unique purpose of nursing that is NOT performed by any other profession. What do nurses do that no other profession or discipline is dedicated to perform? Identify this concept and link it to a concept in any theoretical framework.
Expert Answer and Explanation
The nursing profession is one of the most critical and yet so significant sectors in the world. One of the most unique natures of nursing is that they provide bedside care to patients and can be at the forefront of creating positive change in people’s lives. The role of the nurse also provides a link between the patient and the healthcare facility as they act as advocates. In this regard, nurses offer a wide array of services that are not performed (Robinson, 2013). At some point in one’s life, they have directly or indirectly interacted with a nurse who took care of them when they were sick.
The care of the nurse can be identified in different variations from the watchful caring eyes of a school nurse to the quick response of an emergency room nurse. The impact can all be viewed from the pieces of advice one gets from a home health nurse to the overall advocacy one can receive from a public health nurse. At different levels and areas of life, nurses are constantly watching and helping out. In the US alone, the population of nurses is way higher compared to other healthcare populations combined (Robinson, 2013). Nurses offer integral services and help ensure the proper operations of the healthcare industry.
One theoretical framework that can be linked to the role of the nurse is the Jean Watson theory of caring (Watson, 2022). The theory focuses on how nurses can ensure they provide an efficient and accurate form of care at all times. The process creates a means by which the nurse can make use of the process to come up with a more detailed way to help meet their scope of practice. The theory offers recommendations and ways that nurses can improve the environment and create a conducive space for the patient.
Robinson, S. G. (2013). The unique work of Nursing. Nursing, 43(3), 42–43. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.nurse.0000426623.60917.a9
Watson, J. (2022). The 10 Caritas Processes are universal truths or cannons in which to live and work. Watson Caring Science Institute. https://www.watsoncaringscience.org/jean-bio/caring-science-theory/10-caritas-processes/