
[ANSWERED 2024] Select a particular area of nursing that is of interest to you. Elaborate on the specifics of nursing research in relation to this area. What can be accomplished by it, and why you believe it to be valuable?

Select a particular area of nursing that is of interest to you. Elaborate on the specifics of nursing research in relation to this area.

Select a particular area of nursing that is of interest to you. Elaborate on the specifics of nursing research in relation to this area. 


Professional Development:

  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.

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1. Select a particular area of nursing that is of interest to you. Elaborate on the specifics of nursing research in relation to this area. What can be accomplished by it, and why you believe it to be valuable? Include an explanation of the following questions in your response.

  • What role does nursing research play in the development of applied medicine?
  • What are the best methods for conducting such research? Include specific topics you will cover, and how this relates to your literature review.

2. Appraise ways in which your nursing practice (patient care, education, research, administration, etc) has been influenced by nursing (or borrowed) theory.

3. Conduct a literature search on a topic of interest to you in nursing. What databases did you use? What search terms were used? Did you have to expand or limit your search terms? Select three journal articles that were located during your literature search. Summarize them, and succinctly state how the information in the article may (or may not) impact your nursing practice.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Planning Phase

Particular Area of Interest in Nursing

The particular selected area of nursing of interest to me is nursing informatics. Nursing informatics is one of the areas which I find intriguing in the modern-day nursing. Nursing informatics involves the application of nursing science and other sciences, specifically information and technology, to collect analyze and utilize information to enhance the delivery of healthcare services to patients and the general public (McCormick & Saba, 2015).

Nursing informatics is a fairly new concept in nursing which has yet to be fully embraced but increasingly being appreciated based on its contribution to the nursing practice. Technology use in nursing has also been one of the factors that have greatly influenced the acceptance of nursing informatics in improving the quality of care given to patients.

In terms of specifics of nursing research in relation to nursing informatics, there are several areas that can be explored. One of them is the use of technology in nursing. Nursing informatics heavily relies on technology to function. The impact of integrating technology in nursing is one of the areas which can be used to assess the viability of nursing informatics in the nursing practice and its impact on patient outcomes.

Another area of nursing research is the collection and management of healthcare data which is also another important element that defines the field of nursing informatics (Ronquillo Currie & Rodney, 2016). Research on nursing informatics also needs to capture its utility and provide a link as to how it improves the nursing profession as a whole.

The reason why I find nursing informatics to be interesting is because of the increasing need for engaging in evidence-based practices in nursing as a practice. Nursing informatics facilitates and solidifies the use of evidence-based practices in nursing by making it easier to collect and analyze large amounts of relevant and useful data.

Nursing informatics has also made it much easier to carry out different management functions in nursing, including managing staff, allocating and scheduling tasks, allocating resources, to list a few (McCormick & Saba, 2015). The wide application of nursing informatics in nursing as a whole makes it quite fascinating, and with a lot of potential to further improve nursing as a practice.

Research in a field like nursing informatics provides a basis for using evidence-based approaches to adopting new technology in healthcare. In applied medicine where patient outcomes are given primary focus, it is important to always consider tangible evidence when adopting new technologies to avoid exposing the patients to any harm.

Nursing research also facilitates continuous improvement of applied medicine by continuously interrogating new effective and efficient techniques and methodologies of how to tackle matters healthcare (Fain, 2017). Nursing research also opens up new frontiers that can create more understanding of unexplored areas in applied medicine.

One of the methods for conducting nursing research on nursing informatics is by interrogating previous researches and identifying research gaps that need to be filled.  Another method for such research is by assessing from real-life practice, areas where further research can be explored to improve on the concept. Some of the specific topics that I will aim to cover in my literature review when conducting the research include, how nursing informatics can be tapped to enhance different elements of nursing, how technology can be harnessed to advance nursing education, to list a few.

Nursing Theories and How They Have Assisted in My Nursing Profession

Theories both nursing and borrowed play a big role in the advancement of the nursing practice. Theories provide a foundation upon which nursing researches are based on. It is through inferences from those researches that the development of various areas in nursing such as education, patient care, and administration can be done.

In my practice as a professional nurse, borrowed theories have greatly influenced how I view different nursing administrative functions. Borrowed theories on leadership and management opened up my perspectives on how nurse leaders can play a major role in determining the quality of services offered by nurses. Through leadership theories, I was able to establish that the type of leadership embraced in an organization can have an impact on employee motivation and the ability of employees to discharge their duties. The different types of leadership elicit a different type of reaction from the employees and will ultimately affect the overall organizational outcomes (Asamani, Naab & Ofei, 2016).

It is through the borrowed theories that I also got to appreciate the gravity of the position of a nurse manager. Nurse managers have the potential of either elevating the position of the healthcare facility, in terms of the quality of care offered and at the same time, they can also plummet the same quality if they do not practice prudent management. I was able to learn that managing people and resources is a sensitive matter which requires strategic planning to ensure that all the important areas in achieving the set organizational objectives are captured.

From an academic perspective, borrowed theories allowed me to appreciate the contribution of other fields in advancing nursing as a practice. McEwen and Wills (2017) in their book “Theoretical basis for nursing” clearly describe several theories from other fields that contributed to the development of nursing practice. It is through borrowing knowledge from different professional fields that I will be able to further enhance my skillset as a professional nurse. For example, borrowing theories on technology use in nursing allows me to understand and appreciate its application in nursing practice.

Borrowed theories also provide new research areas that can be explored to further enhance nursing as a practice (McEwen& Wills, 2017). For example, theories borrowed from social sciences can assist in exploring how health promotion interventions can be advanced in societal structures or how social interactions determine health promotion interventions. The different approaches or schools of thoughts captured by borrowed theories have to a great extent improved my ability to critically think when researching different nursing topics.

From my role as a care provider, borrowed theories have played a significant role in determining how I view and provide care to patients. Sociocultural theories, for example, have helped me appreciate the importance of cultural competencies when discharging care to patients. This knowledge allows me to offer care which will evoke a higher satisfaction from patients. Borrowed theories have also allowed me to come up and contribute to innovative approaches that I can suggest to the management in my area of work to improve on the quality of care given to patients.

Review of Three Journal Articles

The literature search I conducted was mainly focused on nursing informatics. To collect the relevant data, I used Google scholar database, which provided numerous search results on the subject. I also searched using the PubMed database and Europe PMC database which also had a significant number of search results on nursing informatics.  The main search term which I used to search is nursing informatics. I, however, expanded the literature search to include healthcare information technology since it encompasses similar and relevant concepts to nursing informatics.

The three articles that I selected based on their relevance on the topic of interest are as follows; “Nursing Informatics Competency Assessment for the Nurse Leader; The Delphi study”, by Collins et al. (2017), “Nursing Informatics Certification Worldwide: History, Pathway, Roles, and Motivation”, by Cummins et al. (2016) and lastly, “A Review of Clinical Informatics Competencies in Nursing to Inform Best Practices in Education and Nurse Faculty Development” by Forman, Armor, and Miller (2020).

The first article, written by Collins et al. (2017), aimed to establish the perceived competency in nursing informatics required by a nurse leader. The article appreciates the fact that uptake of healthcare information technology (HIT) is on the increase and nurse leaders ought to be conversant with the field. This is more so the case given the role played by HIT in the decision-making process. The article indicates that there is an existing gap that needs to be filled in determining the core competencies required by nurse leaders in implementing nursing informatics systems.

The results established by the article isolated 74 main competencies from a list of 108 where a number of the participants who took part in the study noted that most of the nurse leaders obtained their knowledge on HIT through on-the-job-training. This article is relevant in that it highlights the importance of understanding HIT. The article also establishes various competencies, for example, knowledge on HIT as being part of the competencies that I should develop, should I want to understand nursing informatics. These competencies as explained by the authors should be properly developed using a structured education curriculum.

The second article was by Cummins et al. (2016), which recognized the importance of recognizing the certification of informatics professionals as being an essential element in workforce development. The article was aimed at describing the different elements of nursing informatics as used across the globe and comparing them with clinical informatics used by physicians.

From the research conducted, it was established that the motivation for nurses to obtain an informatics certification was higher in nurses with no prior degree in the field. It was also established that the difference between informatics certification used by nurses and physicians is the method of training and the level of informatics practice. It was evident that nursing informatics certification did not necessitate a nurse to have any formal training.

The article concludes by highlighting the importance of obtaining competencies in nursing informatics in professional nursing practice. This article reiterates the importance of informatics in the nursing profession. From the knowledge gained from this article, I am challenged to improve my competencies and knowledge in the field of nursing informatics to create a greater impact on my nursing role.

The last article by Forman, Armor, and Miller (2020), established that increased use of evidence-based practices in nursing has necessitated that nurses have requisite knowledge on nursing informatics. The article, therefore, had two main objectives; the first objective was to establish the state of the science related to competencies in nursing informatics and the best practices to develop the said competencies through education by nursing students and faculty.

From the research, it was established that the educational curriculum used did not follow a standardized system of teaching nursing informatics. The article also realized that there are scarce research materials which can assist educators to come up with a proper education program to develop nursing informatics competencies. This article clearly points out a research gap that I can explore in the future to further improve the development of nursing informatics competencies by other nurses.


Asamani, J. A., Naab, F., & Ofei, A. M. A. (2016). Leadership styles in nursing management: implications for staff outcomes. Journal of Health Sciences.

Collins, S., Yen, P. Y., Phillips, A., & Kennedy, M. K. (2017). Nursing informatics competency assessment for the nurse leader: The Delphi study. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration47(4), 212-218.

Cummins, M. R., Gundlapalli, A. V., Murray, P., Park, H. A., & Lehmann, C. U. (2016). Nursing Informatics Certification Worldwide: History, Pathway, Roles, and Motivation. Yearbook of medical informatics, (1), 264–271. doi:10.15265/IY-2016-039

Fain, J. A. (2017). Reading, understanding, and applying nursing research. FA Davis.

Forman, T. M., Armor, D. A., & Miller, A. S. (2020). A Review of Clinical Informatics Competencies in Nursing to Inform Best Practices in Education and Nurse Faculty Development. Nursing education perspectives41(1), E3-E7.

McCormick, K., & Saba, V. (2015). Essentials of nursing informatics. McGraw-Hill Education.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2017). Theoretical basis for nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Ronquillo, C., Currie, L. M., & Rodney, P. (2016). The evolution of data-information-knowledge-wisdom in nursing informatics. Advances in nursing science39(1), E1-E18.

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Other Questions Related to this Class

Module 1 Discussion Question 1:

Debate the use of non-nursing theory in nursing practice, education, and research.

Module 1 Discussion Question 2:

How do you know whether a topic qualifies as research worthy? What criteria make a topic acceptable for research?

Module 2 Discussion Question 1:

In your own words, describe the connection among primary, secondary, and meta-analysis. Is there ever an instance where only one of these might be used?

Module 2 Discussion Question 2:

Some might say that meta-analysis is controversial, especially if you consider metasynthesis. Would you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

Module 2 Assignment:

Professional Development: 

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Tasks:1. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. Include an explanation of the following questions in your response:

  • Which, in your opinion, is most valuable? Or are they equally valuable?
  • What are the best types of studies for each method?
  • What issues you should keep in mind when applying these to an actual study? For example, what role does bias play?

2. Visit the Center for Disease Control Emerging Infectious Disease website: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/ Choose one journal, article, or case study and explain the type of research design that was used in this study. Summarize your source, and be sure to include an explanation of the following questions in your response:

  • Is it evident that primary, secondary, or meta-analysis was used?
  • What role did surveys play, if any? Explain.
  • Were there any flaws or discrepancies in the data? Why or why not?

3. Review this link: https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-descriptive-and-vs-analytic-epidemiology/ describing Descriptive and Analytical Epidemiology – then locate two journal articles, one that uses descriptive epidemiology, and the other that uses analytic epidemiology. Summarize each article and compare and contrast the research design approach.

Module 3 Discussion Question 1:

Discuss the significance of composition and size to sampling. What effect does each have on the outcome of the study?

Module 3 Discussion Question 2:

What are some issues to consider when using face validity? What are some potential pitfalls to avoid, and how would you avoid them? Give a few examples.

Module 3 Assignment:

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Tasks:1. Visit the PRIME nursing website and review the case study titled “Stress Management for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis:” http://primeinc.org/casestudies/pa_np/study/897/Stress_Management_for_Patients_with_Rheumatoid_Arthritis

Summarize the article and respond to the following questions:

  • What sampling technique was used in this study? Does this seem appropriate?
  • What concerns might you have about reliability and validity in this study, why? Explain.
  • Were there any flaws or discrepancies in the study? Why or why not?

2. Locate a research article that establishes the reliability and validity of a tool that measures a concept that is important in nursing (example: maternal role satisfaction, caregiver stress, etc.). Provide a summary of the tool, to include:

  • Purpose of the tool.
  • Characteristics of sample used for testing reliability and/or validity.
  • Major findings of the reliability/validity testing: strengths/limitations.
  • How this tool might be used to advance nursing science.

3. Locate a research article that assesses a physiological measure (example: salivary cortisol levels, blood pressure, frequency of blinking). Provide a summary of the tool, to include:

  • Purpose of the tool.
  • Characteristics of the sample.
  • Any information that describes how reliability/validity was established in this study.
  • How this tool might be used to advance nursing science
  • In your opinion, is it possible to perform a truly and totally pure structured interview? For example, how can you negotiate a participant that tends to add more than the question requires? Explain.

Module 5 Discussion Question 1:

Discuss what you think are the most important factors to keep in mind when collecting data. What could potentially happen if these criteria are not met? Give a few examples.

Module 5 Discussion Question 2:

How has history defined and shaped modern ethics in nursing research? What are some additional issues or personal examples you can think of that can further our understanding of ethics in research? Explain.

Module 5 Assignment:

Professional Development: 

  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.

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Tasks:1. Complete the computer training regarding human participant protection. The hyperlink is:  https://www.acrpnet.org/courses/ethics-human-subject-protection/ Please attach a photo or printed copy of the completion certificate.

2. What are some issues you are likely to encounter with a study that focuses on childhood disease and illness? For example, what ethical and legal issues must you consider, and how can you cope with such issues as retention?

3. Describe three techniques, methods, or recommendations you can use to promote retention in a study. Are there some additional personal examples you can lend that might not already be in the course materials? Please share.

Module 6 Discussion Question 1:

What are some advantages and disadvantages to secondary analysis? In your opinion, does one outweigh the other in terms of the information that can be gained? Explain.

Module 6 Discussion Question 2:

What are some ethical issues to keep in mind when using Internet-based research? How can you address these issues? Explain.

Module 6 Assignment:

Professional Development: 

  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.

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1. Locate a nursing study that examines the effects of an intervention. Provide a summary of the study, focusing primarily on the intervention. Was the development and implementation of the intervention described in detail? Based on a theoretical framework? Did the design of the study promote investigation of the effects of the study—for example, was there comparison of experimental and control groups? Were there variables that could have impacted the findings that were not part of the intervention? Was there evidence of efforts to monitor the safety of participants? Are there any ways that the study could have been improved?

2. Locate a nursing study that uses some aspect of the Internet (for instance, for recruitment, delivery of an intervention, or completing online assessments. What challenges did the researchers face, and how were these challenges overcome (or not)? How could future research efforts be improved?

3. Locate a study that is a secondary analysis. Why was this study conducted as a secondary analysis rather than a primary analysis? What were the sources of the data? How did this study contribute to nursing science?

Module 7 Discussion Question 1:

Discuss the significance of tracking systems for data management. How does this work, are there any benefits, and what are some issues to keep in mind?

Module 7 Discussion Question 2:

Differentiate among three data analysis techniques commonly found in nursing literature: correlation, dependent (paired) t-test, and independent t-test.

Module 7 Assignment:

Professional Development: 

  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.

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1. Using any Internet search engine, locate and report on three types or brands of database software. Explain the advantages (or disadvantages, if any), which you prefer, and why. Include a link to each site (or product) and a brief summary of the databases and/or services provided.

2. You are conducting a research study that includes a number of surveys. Several of the research participants left “blank answers” on the surveys. What are the possible options for dealing with this situation? What is the best option that you would choose, and why?

3. Using your computer’s office tools, develop a pie, bar, or plot chart to represent the following population estimates:

Population Percentage

  • European American 20
  • African American 30
  • Native American 20
  • Hispanic American 30

Module 8 Discussion Question 1:

Argue the pros and cons of evidence-based practice (EBP). Why would a focus on EBP be good for the discipline of nursing? How can barriers to the use of EBP be overcome?

Module 8 Discussion Question 2:

Contrast poster and podium presentations. Briefly explain which you prefer, and why.

Module 8 Assignment:

Professional Development: 

  • Each response to a task below should be 500-1000 words.
  • All responses should be combined into a single document for submission.
  • APA formatting required.

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Tasks:1. Explore the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) website: http://www.ninr.nih.gov/ Review its publication Bringing science to life: NINR strategic plan (2011, p. 7) to identify the current priorities for nursing research. Do you agree with the priorities or would you recommend addition or elimination of some of the priorities? What effect do the nursing research priorities have on nursing researchers?

2. What criteria must be met in order to consider a practice, evidence-based? Provide examples. Explain the role quality plays in evidence-based practice.

3. Based on the information you learned to this point, write a research proposal that relates to the topics you chose for a previous assignment. Be sure to include the following information in your proposal:

  • Hypothesis
  • Theory
  • Design model
  • Method
  • Anticipated results
  • Potential Dissemination Avenues