
[ANSWERED 2024] Cultural theorist Campinha-Bacote describes cultural competency as a continuum, which implies continual growth and development – FREE

Cultural theorist Campinha-Bacote describes cultural competency as a continuum, which implies continual growth and development (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019)

Cultural theorist Campinha-Bacote describes cultural competency as a continuum, which implies continual growth and development (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).

Cultural theorist Campinha-Bacote describes cultural competency as a continuum, which implies continual growth and development (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019).

Discuss the following:

• What is cultural competence?
• Are there steps nurses can take to achieve it?
• How does it differ from cultural humility?
• Briefly describe how a lack of cultural sensitivity may impact patients’ health and well-being and their future encounters with the healthcare system.
• Why is it more important to focus on cultural humility rather than achieving cultural competence?

Expert Answer and Explanation

In the healthcare sector, cultural competence focuses on the ability of a nurse or any other medical professional to be aware of their cultural beliefs and values. Additionally, cultural competence also includes the awareness of how personal culture and perspectives are different from that of others (Kersey-Matusiak, 2018).

In the case of a nurse, cultural competence focuses on the ability to differentiate one’s cultural beliefs from that of the patient. Nurses can take different initiatives and steps to achieve cultural competence. The most efficient strategy is to interact with patients, improve self-awareness and learn about different cultures within the community. The strategies are key as they will create the needed awareness, and help improve the outcome of care.

Cultural competence differs from cultural humility in different ways. Cultural competence encompasses the ability to work with patients from different cultures while at the same time identifying the impact that cultural bias might have on care delivery. On the other hand, cultural humility entails the capacity for care providers to recognize their limitations, assumptions, or challenges when working with other cultures to avoid bias or predetermined patient care (Kersey-Matusiak, 2018).

When nurses are not sensitive to cultural differences, they tend to provide biased medical care that does not meet patient autonomy. As a result, patient satisfaction is negatively affected. With modernization, care providers are more likely to encounter patients from different cultures which requires the need for cultural competence. Focusing on cultural humility is more sustainable than trying to be more culturally competent as a nurse cannot be able to be aware of different cultures. However, a nurse can identify their biases and adjust their care depending on the needs of the patient through cultural humility (Kersey-Matusiak, 2018).


Kersey-Matusiak, G. (2018). Delivering culturally competent nursing care: Working with diverse and vulnerable populations (2nd ed.). Springer. ISBN: 9780826137272.

Alternative Answer

Cultural competence is the ability to appreciate, interact, and understand others cultures or beliefs that are different from their own (DeAngelis, 2015). “Cultural competence is defined as the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for providing quality care to diverse populations” (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019, p.8). Culturally competent nurses are able to deliver care that values the beliefs of their patients (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Culturally competent care does not just happen; there are steps nurses must take to become culturally competent.

To become culturally competent, one must learn who they are first (Clay, 2010). Learn about your ancestors, personal background, be curious, and perform a self-assessment (Clay, 2010). Learn about different cultures by immersing yourself in their literature, language, and customs (Clay, 2010). Become comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings, converse with different religious groups, volunteer at community centers, and make friends with people of different cultures (Clay, 2010).

Attend diversity training seminars to collaborate with other professionals (Clay, 2010). If culturally competent training is not offered at your institution, submit a process to formalize educational material for your organization and peers (Clay, 2010).

Cultural humility recognizes that bias may occur and nurses need to understand and eliminate their own prejudices (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Healthcare providers need to recognize that their perspectives are influenced by policies that are dominated on the basis of whiteness and maleness (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Cultural humility addresses unconscious biases a nurse may possess and empowers the nurse to work towards eliminating these biases while providing culturally competent care.

Cultural sensitivity is having an attitude towards a specific culture or ethnic background and not saying offensive things directed at that background (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). Cultural sensitivity can also include the avoidance of particular words, phrases, or categorizations of individuals (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019). An example of cultural sensitivity was the removal of the Washington Redskins name from the NFL due to the thoughts and feelings of the Native Americans.

Nursing is a trusted profession by the public. Nurses as well as other healthcare providers must provide culturally sensitive care to know how to communicate with their patients and develop professional relationships (The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Building Patient Relationships, 2019). Nurses must understand nonverbal communication, inclusive language, cultural customs, relatable medical terms, and the use of personal touch (The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Building Patient Relationships, 2019). Failure to utilize culturally sensitive care can create unwanted distress for patients and they may fail to seek medical attention when required as a result. Nurses must be able to make their patients feel comfortable in a healthcare setting.

Cultural competence is learning to accept and understand other cultures. Cultural humility is recognizing personal biases that may distort your perception of other cultures. Cultural sensitivity is recognizing those biases and behaving in an acceptable way towards different backgrounds. Providing care with “cultural sensitivity and cultural humility are both means to the end being cultural competence” (Kersey-Matusiak, 2019, p. 6).


Clay, R. (2010). https://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2010/09/culturally-competent. www.apa.orghttps://www.apa.org/gradpsych/2010/09/culturally-competent.

DeAngelis, T. (2015, March). In search of cultural competence. American Psychological               Association. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2015/03/cultural-competence.

Kersey-Matusiak, G. (2019). Delivering culturally competent nursing care: Working with diverse  and vulnerable populations (2nd ed.).

The Role of Cultural Sensitivity in Building Patient Relationships. (2019, July 11). Minority  Nurse. https://minoritynurse.com/the-role-of-cultural-sensitivity-in-building-patient-relationships/.

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